2012年4月26日 星期四




2012年4月19日 星期四





1. 要完成分析(肇因分析[root cause analysis]、量化風險分析[PRA])
2. 要提出報告(到立法院教育委員會報告)
3. 要辦聽證會
4. 要公開資訊(奇異公司的安全分析報告)

這幾個條件,初步看起來,如果台電主管們沒有集體去投胎,應該是不可能達成。可能的狀況應該是下面兩種:(1) 這些不怕死的白目交假文件蒙混過關,(2) 找國民黨立委想辦法把上面四個條件調低來護航。

我自己覺得這兩個狀況都非常可能。對台電來說,(2) 一定是最安全好用的手法,而就這個事情目前低到可憐的關注度來說,就算用個(1)絕對也不足為奇,因為除了方儉大哥和少數人以外,其他人根本沒法發現。




為台灣核電送終 環保團體設立台灣末日鐘

由 網友發起,環保團體接棒連續5天的「看守台灣,不讓核二運轉」行動,在立法院4月16日的教育委員會跨黨派立委強力要求核二廠不得按原計畫在4月20日重 新啟動,使台灣迫在眉睫的核災得到短暫的舒緩,但核二廠的危機將一日不除,一日不得平安,因此環保團體設立了「台灣末日鐘」,如果台電一旦向原子能委員會 申報核二廠運轉,3天的審議時間,就是台灣進入倒數72小時的階段。


環 保團體指出,核二廠已經進入生命週期的最後段,有如風中殘燭,老天爺已經發出了最後警告,讓我們發現7根最堅硬的反應爐錨定螺栓竟然斷裂,這些「與爐同 壽」的螺栓會斷,已經表明了核二廠所有的結構、系統、組件都已經老化或疲勞,不能再運轉,否則核二廠不但無法經得起7級以上的地震,甚至隨時老死,或過勞 暴斃,隨之而來的,則可能是使台灣滅島的核災。



環 保團體強調,台灣身處歐亞板塊和菲律賓板塊交界處,地質比日本更為為脆弱複雜,陸、海域地震頻率與強度比日本更高,核一、二廠間更有發展中的山腳斷層經 過,這兩個核電廠都已超過30年設計壽命,隨時可能「挫起來」。上次2號機斷了一支,還可以說是「偶然」,這次1號機120支錨定螺栓斷裂了7支,是老天 爺最後的「病危通知」,而台電仍執迷不悟,仍要運轉,這等於是要讓台灣走上廢島的命運。


2012年4月16日 星期一



  • 現況
  • 成果保衛戰
  • 建立地方政府防線
  • 準備長期抗戰





  • 核二廠一號機錨定螺栓斷裂事件於今日(4/16)立法院攻防的最新狀況(懇請協助分享、傳播出去) by 綠色公民行動聯盟 http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=340856505962961
  • 立報:核二錨定螺栓斷裂 重啟時間待審查 http://www.lihpao.com/?action-viewnews-itemid-117230


  • 完成肇因分析、量化風險分析
  • 至教育委員會進行專案報告
  • 進行聽證會
  • 針對本次事件奇異公司所作的安全分析報告
  • 專案審查委員會開放旁聽並進行網路線上轉播,也把影音文字會議記錄上網供下載





為 了確保核安不會開倒車,如果以下教育委員會的成員在你的選區,請務必撥電話到他們的服務處,要求他們絕對不能推翻4/16的決議,不能降低核二廠一號機重 啓的門檻:孔文吉、何欣純、呂玉玲、林佳龍、林淑芬、邱志偉、許智傑、陳淑慧、陳碧涵、陳學聖、黃志雄、楊應雄、蔣乃辛、鄭麗君







  • 打電話給你選區內的市議員,要求他們在市議會提案拒絕讓核二廠一號機重新運轉
  • 打電話到市政府給朱市長和郝市長,要求他們表態反對核二廠一號機重新運轉





An open letter to Lady Gaga

Dear Lady Gaga,

My apologies for posting on your fans page without asking in advance. But there’s no other way that I could deliver the message to you, and it’s an urgent one.

I am a common Taiwanese citizen, and like many of us, I adore and appreciate your music, and your life story. This May, the 17th, Taipei, isn’t it?

While most of my fellow countrymen are counting the days of your arrival, I have to tell you:

Please, for our love for you, don’t come.

Allow me explaining why.

Last week, the local press exposed that the Second Nuclear Power Plant, during its annual maintenance, had seven anchor bolts in its base found broken.

The company in charge, Taiwan Power Company (TPC), replaced six of the bolts, leaving one remaining broken in the deepest end, without noticing the government and the public, and decided to reactivate it, on the 20th of April!

The governmental institute in charge, The Atomic Energy Council, not receiving any analysis about the causes of the damage nor the risks for the future, agreed that TPC could go on with their plan!

Now, broken bolts, in the base, this is never heard before. Even for Fukushima Power Plant, the one that exploded last year in Japan, all its anchor bolts remained undamaged after the explosion!

So, this is a serious threat to Taiwanese people, and you, too, if you do come.

The Nuclear Power Plant in question is 34 years old, which means it has “out-lived” itself for four years, with overloaded nuclear waste in it. If it is reactivated, and if anything wrong happens, there will be a nuclear disaster god-knows-how-many-times-bigger than other nuclear disasters ever took place on this planet.

Our legislators are now demanding a report and analysis, and we are not sure if they can stop the reactivation originally planned for 20th April. Even if they could, it would be only a temporary delay.

So, when you come, the 17th May, please do know, you are coming to a city within 20 km realm of a Nuclear Power Plant, one that is damaged and in danger.

So, if you do come, please know, there’s a great risk of security, still unresolved by our society and our government. You might want to consider discussing this with your agent company, with your assurance company, and anyone related to your arrival.

And all I want for you, is that you be safe. You are one of the rare talented performers that dare to speak out on this issue, and I would really like that you go on with your cause, and keep shinning on the stage.

If you want to contact me, please reply on the web page, I’ll reply.

Sincerely hope that my letter do help in any possible way and not disturbing you.

Warm regards




1. 要完成分析(肇因分析[root cause analysis]、量化風險分析[PRA])
2. 要提出報告(到立法院教育委員會報告)
3. 要辦聽證會
4. 要公開資訊(奇異公司的安全分析報告)

1. 沒有分析
2. 沒有報告(沒有東西可報告)
3. 沒辦聽證會
4. 不公開資訊(說是商業機密!)








2012年4月15日 星期日

Stand Out for Taiwan! Stay In Formosa Taiwan!

My dear foreign friends,

I am a common Taiwanese citizen, and I want to ask you to stand out for Taiwan.

On the 20th April, the Taiwan Power Company (TPC) is going to reactivate the Second Nuclear Power Plant, on the base of which more than 10% of bolts, seven actually, were found broken during the most recent annual maintenance.

And broken bolts in the base were never heard before, in the whole world.

Naturally, TPC has no idea how that happened, nor the way to prevent it in the future. However, with its unprecedented wisdom, the company secretly changed six of the seven bolts, leaving one unchanged, and declared that there’s no foreseeable risk at all to go on with their original plan, without any proper analysis (e.g. Potential Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, Probabilistic Risk Analysis, etc.)!
And they’re going to reactivate it, a nuclear power plant damaged by unknown cause, not totally repaired!

I want to ask you to stand out, not just for Taiwan, but for you, and for whatever reason that might be for you to have come to Taiwan, and for whatever reason that might be for you to still stay in Taiwan.

I’d been a foreigner, like you, for years, in UK, in France, and for days, in US, in Estonia, in Spain, in Portugal, in Greece, in Italy, in Ireland, in Germany, in Malaysia, in Japan…I’d been a foreign resident and I’d been a foreign traveler, like you. I know how it feels to be a foreigner, to explore the culture, to encounter the locals, to face stigmatization and to receive kindness, to have part of you formed by the place. I know, for wherever I have been a foreigner to, I will never be a total stranger. And you, to Taiwan, you will never be a total stranger. You have already left traces here in Taiwan, be it on the ground, on the passport, in a café, or in the heart of someone.

I know, you might not stay for life, but if TPC successfully launched their plan, even your life might be endangered; not just yours, but your loved ones; and not just yours and mine, but also the hope. The hope that this journey will continue, the hope that your story here will be told with smile on your face, the hope that there’s always some people here to write to, to skype to, to email to, that there’s some places here that you will never forget, and you’ll remember with warmth in your heart.

I know, my government doesn’t always treat foreigners well. I know, my fellow countrymen do not always treat you right. But I also know, when I was standing in-between the police and the demonstration students with my camera on my shoulder on the boulevard in Paris, I was welcomed by The People; when I was walking alone side the protesters on the streets of London as a freelance journalist, I was considered One Of Us.

You will be considered one of us, I guarantee you, if you would stand out with us, telling my government that you maybe foreign to them, but you are tied with us in fate at this moment; and like me, and every uses, your life and hope here is not to be surrendered to risks they created out of careless attitude and greed-driven decision.

You may not be remembered by everyone on site, but you will be remembered by me, and, more importantly, by you. You will be remembered by me and you that once, on one day, you, born and bred somewhere on this planet, led to this island by fate, you did stand out and fight not just for your own sake, but for others here as well.

You must fight, I beg you. If you have never heard of this situation, now you do. You must fight.

If you can’t, please remember this country, with me, for no matter how many days to come in the future. I know, not everyone fights, even I, too, I have a bottom-line, once reached, I’ll run.

But not now, not yet. We’ve still got time, little time, a few days before the 20th of April.

So I invite you, to come and stand with us, just once, for one day, on the 19th of April, before the Legislative Yuan, together, we’ll stop one stupid action of my government, and together, we’ll make history here, to stop a nuclear power plant for the first time on this island.

Address of Legislative Yuan: No.1, Jhongshan S. Rd., Jhongjheng District, Taipei.

My nickname: CauMin.

Action Web Page: http://www.facebook.com/events/216889421750742/

Warm regards

CauMin, a common citizen

16, 04, 2012